Meeting Mojo enables you to list event activities (sessions) on your meeting scheduler website. These can be anything that is timetabled around your event: workshops or roundtables, announcements or ceremonies, dinners, social gatherings , etc. They will be displayed on a dedicated page, visible to logged-in users only, or to all visitors, and you can also display them on attendees’ meeting schedules. You can also enable your delegates to sign up for some or all of the sessions. When a delegate signs up to a session online, it will automatically show in their Schedule (online, print and pdf versions), and will prevent any 1:1 meeting clashes.

Before you start:

Read this section and consider how the Sessions list will look to your delegates, how to bring it to their attention, and whether you need to include every activity. For each session:

  • Make sure you have at least a defined Start and End time, a name and the location where it will take place.

  • Decide if you also want to display it on attendees’ meeting schedules and if so, will it be in a Track or just display as a note on a timeslot?

  • You can include information about the session, for example, a workshop leader, topics to be discussed, etc. Add a short ‘abstract’ to display in the session listing, and a detailed description that users can view by clicking on the session

  • Is there a limit on attendee numbers for any of the activities, and if so, what is that limit?

  • Would you like your delegates to be able to see who else is attending each session before signing up? They will be able to click on these entries to find out more about each person and book meetings with them.

  • Do you want to control attendance lists by confirming each signup?

Example displays:

This is how your sessions might look on the dedicated Sessions page, and your attendees’ Schedules.

Switch on the Sessions function

  1. Go to the Setup tab and select ‘System configuration settings’ in the right hand menu. Click ‘Sessions’ in the settings listing.

  2. Select the display option you require: logged-in only or public (anonymous) +logged in. If you select the latter option, the Sessions page will be visible to anyone viewing your Meeting Mojo website, whether logged in or not.

  3. Click Save. When you next click away from the Setup tab, a new ‘Sessions’ tab will appear.

(Optional) Create Tracks for parallel sessions

WHY CREATE TRACKS? If you are running sessions in parallel, you may want to list them under separate, named conference tracks. This becomes essential if you are going to display parallel sessions on the attendees’ Schedule page.

  1. Click the Sessions tab to open it, then click Tracks in the right hand menu.

  2. Click ‘New’ to create a Track

  3. Name the Track and optionally add a description. These will be displayed at the top of the list of Sessions belonging to the Track, and should be brief but clear to avoid cluttering the display.

Tips for Tracks:

  • Tracks do not automatically display in the order you created them. Use the up/down arrows on the Tracks listing page to put them in the right order (the first Track in the list will display at the top of the Sessions page and leftmost on the Schedule page). 
  • Try to keep the number of Tracks displayed to a minimum, so the Schedule page does not become messy or confusing.   
  • Note that if a Track has no sessions on a particular day, it will not be displayed on that day. This feature enables you to have different Tracks on different days. 
  • Tracks are not displayed on mobile, so you don’t have to worry about the effects of screen re-sizing. 
  • If you do not set up at least one Track, the Sessions will be displayed in the Schedules in the same column as the 1:1 meetings, as a note on each affected timeslot. This can be useful if you simply want to add a label to some of the timeslots, e.g. LUNCH. 

Create a new Session

  1. Click the 'Sessions' tab to open it, and click 'New' to set up a session.

  2. Name the Session (mandatory). The name will be displayed on the Sessions page, and the Schedule if specified.

  3. (Optional) Select a Track for this Session, if set up. You will need at least one Track to display Sessions in their own column in the Schedule view.

  4. (Optional) Check the ‘In Schedule’ box to display the Session on the attendees’ meeting Schedules

  5. Specify the date, and Start and End times for the Session.
    NOTE: if the Session takes place at a time outside of the meeting slots you’ve set up, it will not be displayed on attendee Schedules.

  6. (Optional) Specify the location of the Session. This will be displayed in the listing on the Sessions page, and in the expanded view of the Session. It will also display in attendees’ Schedules if they sign up for the Session.

  7. (Optional) Add a short Abstract as a teaser. This will be displayed on the Sessions page listing.

  8. (Optional) Add a Description. This is a longer piece that will be displayed when attendees click to view more about a Session, and/or to sign up for it.

  9. (Optional) Check the ‘Bookable’ box to enable attendees to sign up for the Session. If they can do this, the Session will be added to their meeting calendar and will prevent clashes with 1:1 meetings.

  10. (Optional) Add an attendee limit if required.

  11. (Optional) If you don't want your delegates to know who is attending each session, check the 'private' box.
    To protect attendee privacy, individual participant names cannot be viewed unless logged in.

  12. Check the 'Must confirm' box if you want to control attendance. If checked, you will need to confirm every signup to this session via the ‘View Session’ link.

  13. Click 'Save and add' to continue setting up sessions.

Session Tips:

  • The Sessions will be displayed on the user interface in chronological order, but it is a good idea to set them up in this order too, as they will be displayed on the admin side in the order you set them up.
  • On the user interface, you will only see the 'Sessions' link in the top menu bar. If you would like to create a different button, use the following template:
  • Once delegates start signing up, you'll be able to download attendance lists from the Sessions page: ‘Export all as CSV’, or the Dashboard Reports.


Create an agenda on attendees’ online Schedule page:

  1. Using your existing conference agenda, decide which activities you wish to display on the Schedules, and which ones your delegates will be able to sign up for.

  2. Define a short title for each item – this will be displayed on the Schedules, along with the Start and End times.

  3. Define your session Tracks.

  4. Set up your Tracks (optional) and Sessions as described above, checking the ‘In Schedule’ box on those Sessions you wish to display, and ‘Bookable’ on those you want delegates to sign up to.

  5. Set up a fake company and attendee on your system and use this attendee’s Schedule to monitor the building of your agenda. If a Session appears in the wrong place, you can easily change it by clicking Edit on the Session entry. It may be difficult or impossible to change the timings later on, when your delegates have started signing up.