Meeting Mojo’s Custom Fields function allows you to create new categories that can be applied to either Organizations or Attendees. The new categories will be shown on your delegates’ Account area, where they will be able to select from any list of criteria you specify, or add information to their profile in response to a question. You can also integrate any Custom Field into the Search engine, enabling your delegates to create company and individual profiles with search terms that give them a higher profile. If you have created a Registration form, all Custom Fields are automatically incorporated into it.
If you are going to be assigning multiple groups to individual organisations, please set up those groups first before creating any custom fields to prevent any problems later on. Click here to learn more about Groups.
Creating a Custom Field
On the Setup tab, click the ‘Custom fields’ button at the right of the page.
Click ‘new’ to create a new field.
Type the name of the field in the box labelled ‘Question’, even if the field does not contain a question.
In the Description box, type a brief instruction such as ‘Select one item from the list’. This will appear under the Custom Field in the user account profile edit pages.
Select the Field type from the dropdown menu. View the table below for more details on each field type:
Field type Description Example (click or tap to view full screen) Text field
(60 character limit) For questions with one-word/short answers, e.g., a phone number
URL This field is particularly useful if participating companies or attendees have multiple websites that need displaying Text area (unlimited) For questions with variable answers, e.g., a short biography Checkbox For opt-in questions, e.g., joining a mailing list. This is particularly useful in the backend for gaining additional information or confirming details are correct Radio buttons For survey-type questions with a limited set of answers, e.g. Yes/No or choosing a preferred method of communication Select (dropdown list)
For descriptive criteria where only one selection may be made, e.g., Business Type Multi-select (checkboxes) For descriptive criteria where more than one selection may be made, e.g. keywords or product listings Date Allows for a date to be input, e.g. working days or birthday Time Allows for a time to be input, e.g. working hours File Allows for a file to be uploaded and downloaded by anyone that can see the attendee or organisation, can be used for portfolios, certificates, slideshows, etc. Only one file can be uploaded per field Image If an image is needed, it should be uploaded here instead of the URL field if possible. Uploaded images appear at their normal resolution. Useful for company pictures or certificates. Only one image can be uploaded per field IFrame Can be used to embed HTML objects, such as YouTube videos. Attendees can find out how to embed objects by clicking 'Video Instructions' under the field If your chosen Field type is select or multi-select, add the criteria into the Options area as a list. Separate each item with a comma – no spaces. The item names must not contain commas as this will confuse the system.
Now click one of the radio buttons to link the Custom Field to Attendees or Organizations
Check ‘Mandatory’ to turn the category into a required field – this will ensure that your delegates use the category when adding or editing their profile, or registering on the system.
If you want the Custom Field to be seen by other attendees, check ‘Searchable’. Highly recommended to turn this on unless the field will only be used for backend information gathering.
Finally, decide which Group(s) in the Groups list will use the Custom Field and check the name(s).
Note: if you have not added any Groups, check the default Group name.
- Use fake organization/attendee entries to test whether the Custom Fields are working the way you want them to.
- If an attendee has multiple fields in their profile and not all are visible, click the small arrow to the left of their/their organisation's name (depending on if you are on the Organisations or Attendees tab in Search)
Using Custom Fields
Custom Fields are there to enable users to select or add extra information for their profile, and to search for other users based on the information they have provided. Event managers can use Custom Fields to collect extra information about their attendees.
Preload custom field data via the import spreadsheet.
- Create the custom field on the Groups tab
- Place the name of the custom field in a new column
on your import spreadsheet.
- Insert criteria into the column for each entry as required or as available.
TIP: Be careful not to add too many different criteria, or spelling variation of the same item – both affect the quality of the search engine and can cause frustration to users.
IMPORTANT: When preloading into a MULTISELECT or RADIO BUTTON Custom Field, you must use only the criteria that have been pre-set in the Options section of the field. The system will ignore anything else you try to import.
Apply different categories to different groups to improve the relevance of your search engine
If you have Groups that differ widely in their 1:1 meeting objectives, you can set up Custom Fields that apply only to one Group or another. For example, one Group might contain large, medium and small companies. You could create a SELECT Custom Field called Company Size with Large, Medium and Small, or a range of employee numbers, and check only that Group in the Groups list (see 1.x., above). Delegates who want to do business with this Group will be able to use this category on the Search Engine to target companies of a certain size.
Use custom fields in a registration form.
You can collect relevant information from delegates by including Custom Fields in a registration form. These fields can be made mandatory to ensure that all delegates add the information you require. They do not need to be connected to the Search Engine – this allows you to collect data that is not relevant to 1:1 meetings, such as an opt-in to your newsletter mailing list. Click here for more information about setting up a registration form.