Before reading, note that Custom URLs do not work with demo events.

All Meeting Mojo event websites are located on subdomains by default. If you would like your delegates to see your own web address instead, follow the instructions below:

  1. Create a subdomain in the format

  2. Change the DNS CNAME record of the subdomain to:

  3. This action points your subdomain to our server. The connection can take up to 48 hours to establish (propagate). Check the status by entering the subdomain into your browser bar. When you see the Meeting Mojo error message, the subdomain has propagated.

  4. Now go to Setup on your event admin area. Click Event at the right of the page. When the new page opens, enter your subdomain in the Custom URL field and click Save.

NOTE: only add the subdomain, DO NOT prefix it with http:// or http://www. Check that the subdomain now opens your meeting scheduler in your web browser. 

You and your delegates will now be able to link to, view and use the site via this address. The Meeting Mojo domain will not appear in the browser address field at any time.