By default, all attendees are visible to each other, even when logged out. This can be changed by simply flipping a switch on the Admin Dashboard (request a demo to try these steps for yourself):

  1. Navigate to the Setup tab, choosing 'System configuration settings' in the lower right menu.
  2. Click the Search page link switch so it says 'Display only on login'. Similarly, it can be clicked again to turn it back to 'Always on'.

If you wish to only show specific Groups (such as sponsors of your event):

  1. Navigate to the Setup tab, choosing 'Groups' in the upper right menu.
  2. Click 'Edit' next to one of your Groups. The default Group is 'Participating Company'.
  3. Untick the checkbox next to 'Public can view'. Similarly, you can tick this box to make the Group visible to the public again.
  4. Scroll down and click the blue Save button.
  5. If you have multiple Groups you wish to hide, follow steps 1 - 4 until done.

Learn more about Groups by visiting this article.