To get an attendee list for all Sessions at once:
- Navigate to the Sessions tab.
- Click either 'Export all as CSV' or 'Print all', depending on which option is best for you. If you would like to create a printable copy of each Session's participating attendees, choose 'Print all'. Otherwise, choose 'Export all as CSV' for a spreadsheet of every Session-participating attendee and which Sessions they are attending.
- If 'Export all as CSV' is chosen, a spreadsheet file will be downloaded. If 'Print all' is chosen, a plain HTML version of every Session's attendee list will be shown to you. To print this information, press CTRL and P at the same time on your keyboard (this shortcut may be different across browsers and operating systems).
To get an attendee list for a specific Session:
- Navigate to the Sessions tab.
- Click the name of your desired Session.
- Click 'Print this session' on the right menu. This action will show you a plain HTML attendee list that can be printed or saved as a PDF by pressing CTRL and P at the same time on your keyboard (this shortcut may be different across browsers and operating systems).
Note that only the 'Print all as CSV' option will export attendee emails and exact timings of each Session.