The name your attendees will see upon receiving an email is manually set by the event manager unless left to its default value. For example, you might want to change the name in the 'From' field to 'Rick Astley from Meeting Mojo' or something similar. Additionally, you may set a receiving email address for when a system email is replied to. By default, this is set to '' so that system emails are not marked as spam. 

To change either the display name or system email address:

  1. Navigate to the Setup tab.
  2. Click 'System email settings' in the menu on the right.
  3. a. To change the System email address, click the blue text to the right of 'Admin email'. Click 'Save' when set and test the change by either replying to a system email yourself or asking an attendee to do so.

b. To change the System email display name, click the blue text to the right of 'Admin name'. Once set, click 'Save' and test by sending yourself a system email or ask an attendee to check for the change.

To learn more about System emails, click here.