Approving an attendee or organisation allows them to access your event's website instantly. Skipping the approval step gives you full control over timing and lets you create their accounts in good time. Once your event is ready, you can approve attendees in bulk by:

  1. Navigating to the Attendees tab.
  2. Click the 'Page size' dropdown box on the right and select 'All'.
  3. Click the checkbox to the left of the 'Name' column to select all attendees in the system.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Choose an action', then choose 'Welcome'.
  5. Click 'go'. This will send the welcome email to all selected attendees that is usually sent upon Approval.
  6. Now, navigate to the Organisations tab and click the same checkbox to the left of the 'Name' column to select all the available companies.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Choose an action' then choose 'Approve'.
  8. Click 'go'. Only do this if you are sure your event is ready to allow attendees to book meetings with each other.

Tips and notes:

  • Unapproved organisations or attendees can still access Search or edit their own profiles before the event but cannot book meetings.
  • You can send the welcome email before your event to allow people to set up their own profiles and fill out any applicable custom fields. 
  • Sending your welcome email early also allows for any bugs or problems to get ironed out before the event.