Meeting Mojo emails are sent in plain text format via an acclaimed third party email client. According to our records, more than 99.5% of emails are delivered to their intended recipients, with most of the undelivered messages being sent out to non-existent or incorrectly formatted addresses. 

Inevitably, a few messages will be caught by high-bar email filters or excluded under corporate IT rules. The content of all meeting- and messaging emails is displayed online in the relevant user's account, so even if they don't receive email alerts, they will see their pending meetings and new messages as soon as they log in. 

If it has been a while since a meeting request was sent to an attendee or attendees and it still hasn't been confirmed, you can send a meeting reminder by:

  1. Navigate to the Attendees tab. From here you have two choices: If you only have a few people that have not confirmed their pending meetings, you can simply click 'Send reminder' under the meetings column next to their name. Otherwise, follow the steps below for a large amount of attendees with pending requests:
  2. Either click 'Page size' on the right and change it to 'All' or use the Search and Filter functions to find a specific attendee.
  3. Click the checkbox to the left of all attendees with pending meetings under the Meetings column.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Choose an action'. 
  5. Choose 'meeting reminder' then click 'go'.