To re-send the Welcome email:

  1. Go to the Attendees tab on Admin and use the Search and Filter functions to find your desired attendee.
  2. Check the box to the left of the attendee's name. 
  3. Scroll down until you see the Choose an action dropdown box. Click it and choose 'Welcome', then click 'go'.
  4. Repeat these steps for all required attendees.

To request a new password as an attendee:

  1. On the main event website, click 'Login' as you usually would.
  2. Click 'Forgot your password?', then enter your email and click 'Send new password'. The system will send you a randomly generated password if the entered email is registered on the system. This password can be changed at any time by choosing Account from the top menu, then 'Edit [your name]' on the left.

Note: you cannot retrieve a password from the system in plain text. If the attendee is not receiving the new password email, you can attempt these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Attendees tab on the admin dashboard.
  2. Use the Search and Filter functions to find your desired attendee.
  3. Click their name or 'View' underneath to access their profile.
  4. On the right, click the orange 'Send login token' button. This will send an email to the attendee with a magic link to log them in. As long as they do not log out, they will remain logged in.
If the attendee still cannot access their account or isn't receiving the system emails previously sent, you can change their password on their behalf. 
  1. First, navigate again to the Attendees tab or click 'Edit [name]' on the right if you are still viewing their profile, then skip to step 3.
  2. Find your desired attendee by using the Search and Filter functions then click 'Edit' under their name.
  3. Enter the new password into the Password text box.
  4. Enter the same password into the Password again text box, then scroll down and click the blue Save button.
  5. You may now use a third party email client or other form of secure messaging to tell the attendee their new login details to use on your event's website.

If you are still having problems with attendees that cannot access their account, please create a support ticket at the top of this page.