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Getting Started
Setting Up Your System
Overview - short version
Quick Setup
Test the System as a User
Manage Meeting Locations
Manage Meeting Timeslots
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Adding and Deleting User Accounts
Remove Attendees Individually
Add New Attendees Individually
Managing Attendee Passwords
Importing Delegate Data in Bulk, via Spreadsheet
Dealing with Duplicates
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Add a Banner Image to your Event Website
Customize Website Page Content
Manage and Customize System Emails
Customize Website Styling using CSS
Use Your Own Web Address for your Event
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Managing The System
Launch and Manage Attendee Accounts
Launching Meeting Scheduling
Attendee Login Issues
Locate missing attendees
Sync with other calendars
Send a Calendar file to your Delegates through a system email
Venue Preparations and Actions
At the Venue
Send a meeting booking reminder
Shutdown and Redirect
Countdown Timer
Book meetings on behalf of an attendee
Reschedule meetings on behalf of an attendee
Cancel meetings on behalf of an attendee
Change a meeting point on behalf of an attendee
Set up a Registration Form
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System Configuration
Search Categories: Custom Fields
Creating and Organizing Groups
Setting Meeting Limits
Auto-Select Mode
Importing Meetings
Import Meeting Data
Block schedules using the import function
Adding and Deleting Data
How do I manually add attendees?
How do I replace one delegate with another?
Can I import the delegate's photo and organization logo images as part of the data upload?
What happens to a removed attendee's meetings?
If there are 2 or more people from the same company, are they all automatically assigned to the organisation?
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I want to theme the system to match my event livery. Is there any display that can not be changed?
How can I promote sponsors and partners on the Meeting Mojo system?
Does the conference agenda integrate into each attendee's meeting schedule?
Can I add links to the webpages?
Who should show on the Contact page? How do I set this up?
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Do I need to download software in order to run Meeting Mojo?
Does Meeting Mojo sync with native calendars such as Outlook? How can delegates access their 1:1 meetings diary at any time?
Can I incorporate your software into my existing conference website and/or App?
Why is there not an App for Meeting Mojo?
Can my delegates use their conference login to access Meeting Mojo?
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Launching The System
How do I provide a password for each delegate account? Will the system send my delegates individual passwords, or is it one password for all entries? Can I make this a bit more secure?
Can I view or download my delegates' passwords?
Are passwords automatically generated upon importing data?
Why do I need to ‘Approve’ new organization entries?
If an attendee is added to an organization that is already 'Approved', do they get the Welcome email with log in information?
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Managing The System
Can I edit profiles and other entry details without having to log into individual accounts?
I want to set up all of the meetings on the system - how can I optimize this process?
Does the system automatically send out updates and reminders to delegate inboxes?
Are meetings scheduled in real-time?
How can I book, cancel or reschedule meetings on behalf of delegates?
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Registration Form
How can I transfer data from my registration list into the Meeting Mojo system?
How can I prevent further registrations?
How do I know when delegates have registered on the Meeting Mojo system? Do I get an alert?
Can I add extra fields to the Meeting Mojo registration form, to capture useful information about delegates, or to include in their online profiles?
Does the system generate a report showing all meetings, with timings, locations and participants?
What kind of statistics can I get from the system?
I want to print out all of the delegate meeting calendars. How is this done?
I want to print out one delegate’s meeting calendar. How is this done?
Can we export data to create a brochure or listing of companies and delegates, and/or name badges?
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Settings, Groups And Custom Fields
Is it possible to add an attendee to more than one group?
What kind of 'custom' profile fields can be added? Is it a limited set or can I add anything I want?
Can delegates add their own keywords or other information to their profile?
How can I set up extra profile data fields?
Can attendees add information to a custom field that is not displayed in their online profile?
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Timeslots and Meeting Locations
Can I set limits on how many meetings take place?
Can we allocate particular people to particular meeting areas, so when they accept a meeting request, it is automatically scheduled in one of these meeting places?
Is it possible to add more meeting places into the system if the meeting slots start to fill up?
Can I label any of the timeslots for breaks, etc.?
Can I change the meeting locations at the last minute?
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On the dashboard, there is a notification that some attendees have not received their Welcome email. Why is this showing? What can I do about it?
There are two attendees on the system who are from the same company, but they are displayed as two separate organization entries with one attendee in each. How can I make these into one company entry containing both delegates?
When I try to edit the meeting slots, some of them have number next them them. I can’t delete these – why not?
Why can’t I upload my image?
I have set up some Groups, but they aren’t showing up when I log in to the user interface website
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User Accounts
Why does the username have to be the delegate's email address?
Do delegates have to log in to book meetings? Why can't they just send a meeting request?
Can I give every delegate the same password? How will I make sure they receive their full log in details?
Why does the password reminder function not allow delegates to choose their own password?
Can a delegate choose not to receive emails to their primary email address? Can I set this up on their behalf?
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What are Sessions?
Why are my Sessions not displayed on attendees' schedules?
Thinking of Buying?
Do I need to download software in order to run Meeting Mojo?
Is there an App for Meeting Mojo? Why is your Responsive Design better?
What is the capacity of the software – do you have limits on the total number of meetings or delegates? Or any usage limits?
Does Meeting Mojo ever reveal delegate email addresses or other personal contact details?
Are delegate/company listings visible only to logged-in users?
Customer Services
What customer services do you provide? Do I have to set up and run the system or do you provide any help or advocacy services?
Are there any ‘hidden’ fees such as per-meeting or per-user costs?
Setting up your own system
How would I set up a Meeting Mojo scheduler?
How long does it take to set up from making the decision to buy to having a live, fully operational system?
What kind of resource will we need to put in to setting up and managing the system?
Can I incorporate your software into my existing conference website, or integrate into my App?
Will I need to set up a new system for each of my events? Is it possible to reuse content and settings so I don’t have to input all of it again?
How does it Work?
How do delegates access the meeting scheduler?
Can attendees use external login details for my event?
How are meetings scheduled?
Are meetings requested person-to-person, or company-to-company?
Is it possible for individuals from more than 2 organizations to participate in the same meeting (one-to-many)?
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How customizable is the Meeting Mojo interface?
Can I add new webpages to my Meeting Mojo website?
Can I promote sponsors and partners on the Meeting Mojo system?
I want my own web address on the system – can this be done?
Can I customize the system to turn it into an event website with registration?
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Operating Meeting Mojo
How will I transfer delegate and company/organization details from my event registration form to Meeting Mojo?
Will I be able to add new delegates to the meeting scheduler whenever I need to?
Can I send a personalized email to delegates - such as those who have not responded to meeting requests?
Can I include branding images in system emails?
Can I ensure that some/all of my delegates do not receive email alerts from the system?
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Organization/Attendee Profiles
How would my delegates find the people they want to meet?
Does the search function show the latest attendees/organizations added?
What kind of ‘custom’ profile fields can be added?
Can I include an opportunity for my delegates to opt out of 1:1 meetings?
Can delegates add their own keywords or other information to their profile?
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Configuration - Taking Control
Can I book, cancel or reschedule meetings on behalf of delegates?
What kind of limits can I set on my event?
Can there be delegates in the system who can not book meetings but I can still access their details?
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